I think this movie is a really nice portrayal of a fathers love. I think its important that men get the opportunity to stay at home with their children when they are born to establish a tighter bond. This will also help the rapid growth of part time working women, which is one of the reasons why women get lower pay, worse positions etc.
Norway’s paternity leave system currently gives fathers the right to paid leave, but also allows them to use part of the total parental leave period. Norway was the first country in the world to introduce an arrangement of this type. Its purpose is to give men more time with their children, and to allow women and men to share both work and childcare.
USA has 0 paid days for neither mom or dad. Mom can leave for 12 weeks though. Not paid. In Comparison, Kenya in Africa gives moms 2 moths paid maternity leave and dads 2 weeks.
to read more about this:
BBC article on success of Norway's parental leave scheme click here.
BBC article on proposed parental leave in Germany designed to halt the decline in the birth rate and male/female workplace inequality here.
Center for Law and Social Policy on need for reform in the US here
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