Some of you might wonder why I put up so many pictures of boys. Especially really young looking ones. I must admit it has made me feel a little creepy at times, but then I remember Im actually a 23 year old girl . I guess thats my alibi for now.
So what does these images have to do with feminism? For me, these males represents a heterosexual young girls idea of male beauty. Everywhere we see images of women falling for older men, not only in popular media, but also in literature. This also reflects the general population. We can of course discuss weather its because its men running these industries or because its women who wants someone like her daddy, but Im not going to continue that never -ending discussion right now. What interests me is the paradox of glorification of youth in our society - but only female youth. The saying about men getting more attractive with age, while women loose their allure is simply not true. Its completely natural for both sexes to fade with age, that is the circle of life. Gay artists have embraced the juvenile, boyish charm for centuries. This shows how much our sexual preferences are influenced by the Images and portrays we are exposed to. Maybe the stigma for the boyish look comes from - the fear of being lesbian or gay. Who knows. Personally I find it natural for everyone to be attracted to young things. For aesthetic, recreational and nostalgic reasons.
Todays Youth is tomorrows nostalgia.
xx Mary
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