I let myself out of my working bee - mode the other day to check out Smuglesnings pre-launch of An Education. It was totally worth it.
Nick Hornby wrote the script about the tale of this 16 year old child prodigy who gets seduced by the oh so charming older man played by Peter Sarsgaard. The story is based on journalist Lynn Barbers diary, and could be the memoirs of many women before her; Gold digging ladies who ends up digging their own grave...so to speak. The character of the 16 year old Jenny is a refreshing change from the Carrie Bradshaws out there in the movie landscape where marriage is the ultimate goal for every girl. And of course with a older, loaded guy. When are these ladies going to see that its actually easier and a lot less risk to do what guys have done for centuries ; Earning your own dough.
Even though its easy to predict how the movie is going to end, its still worth watching. The acting is great as well as the script with loads of black humour. And last but not least; great moral. Haha!
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