Two crows chortled and cackled in the sky. A wild dog howled somewhere in the hills. Ah could hear the cgirruping of hungry chicks. Close by, a mule brayed in despair. Ah heard the idiot twittering of a lark. Bees hummed earnestly. All about me the world seemed in need of attention.
All about me the world demanded that it be attended to. It was time all the fledglings and chicklings, weaners and catlings, lambs, piglets and babies were attended to.
Ah was in woeful need of attention. Ah was in terrible need of nourishment. Mah body longed for sustenance. How long would ah have to wait? Do you know?
Did ah tell you ah was very fucking hungry?
- Nick Cave, "And The Ass saw The Angle,1989
photos by:Jean Francois Carly
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