After a long day of typing on our exam papers me and a friend went to a park to lay in the grass for a while. Lets call my friend tinygirl86 since she is so tiny.
Me: I have met a lot of people with issues lately, with the classic story of bad childhoods. I was surprised how the girls and boys handled their issues. The boys were open and reflective and honest about their feelings and vulnerability while the girls were very self defensive and in social circumstances often very loud and vulgar. They seem less balanced than the guys.
tinygirl86: Its because its not legitimate for girls to show their feelings. Its true! We are tying so hard to get away from the traditional woman, for a girl to show her feelings is weakness, for a guy it’s a sign of strength. And its easier for guys to open themselves to women because they get credit for it and positive feedback, while women is just seen as whining.
Me: Maybe its because we unconsciously feel that showing emotional vulnerability is negative because it’s a “female property” too cry and therefore we think its negative and avoid it? Especially Alfa-women, who are looked on by their environment as strong. THAT is twisted.